Hi there!
My names Justine Kime and I’m so excited to get personal with you! We’ve all got a story and a journey and I’m going to share mine. I will share some of my most deep personal stories, tools to help you on your journey, resources and motivation. I’ll also tell you how I’ve screwed up along the way and what I’ve done to overcome so many obstacles and build success. I’ve hit rock bottom, I’ve been an emotional wreck, and I’ve been through hell and back BUT, that’s not where my story ended and I’m going to share with you HOW!
The Justine Kime Podcast is going to be full of personal stories, how I have overcome traumas in my life, how I have built a career and how you can too with little resources, how to feel alive again when things or circumstances knock you down, how to create goals and MAKE THEM HAPPEN and so much more!
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